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Finding Balance in Business on the Adirondack Coast

Clinton County, and the Adirondack Coast in general, offers a wonderful work-life balance to its inhabitants. Opportunities to thrive in business unite with unbeatable recreational activities spanning four distinct seasons, meaning that whether you and your workforce approach life from a “work hard, play hard” mentality, or prefer to appreciate relaxing downtime in stunning surroundings, our community offers it all.

Over many years it has become apparent that the attraction of this area produces “lifers” in the workforce; if they like it, they stay. Conversely, those who do not enjoy our way of life tend not to stick around. This creates an environment of dependable commitment from your labor pool and the ability to comfortably invest in training individuals captured from out of the region or locally.

Says David F. Champagne: “We have this little microcosm where people come in and stay here and work for you, and that can really help your business instead of a high turnover that you’d see in more metropolitan areas.”

Our economy is strong with a bedrock of diverse, mid-size (200-500 people) businesses operating here. Rather than an enormous corporation sustaining an area - meaning if it closes, an entire community is left adrift - we have numerous mid-size operations with employees holding transferable skills.

This beautiful area with the lake, mountains, and sense of community and safety, holds tremendous appeal to businesses looking to operate here and those excited to put down roots. The good news is that assistance is all around to do so with help from not only TDC but also the local Chamber of Commerce, IDAs (Industrial Development Agencies), realtors, and banks, and more. A network of support to welcome you to the Adirondack Coast.

“Everybody’s focus is dialed in to make something happen, and you see that over and over in this region,” says Champagne. “It’s a beautiful place to live, a safe place to live, and a community that’s together in doing the right thing here.”

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