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TDC Announces Retirement of President and CEO David Champagne

Plattsburgh, NY – TDC (formerly known as The Development Corporation) announces that David Champagne, Chief Executive Officer, will retire effective January 3, 2025.

David has made an indelible impact on TDC since he took on the role of President and CEO in April 2019, following a 34-year career with Pfizer. David’s journey with TDC began in 2008 as a Board Member, where his visionary leadership transformed the organization and brought a fresh perspective. Under his guidance, TDC successfully underwent significant rebranding, including a name change from The Development Corporation to TDC, and revitalized its visual identity. He also championed the transition to digital marketing, enhancing engagement with local, regional, national, and international organizations—efforts that proved invaluable during the COVID-19 pandemic.

During his leadership, TDC saw unprecedented expansion, growing its footprint to more than 700,000 square feet of premier industrial space in Clinton County, including most notably the newest state-of-the-art pharmaceutical facility housing Medisca on Tom Miller Road in the Town of Plattsburgh. In addition, TDC constructed a new 5000 sq ft office building where the organization currently resides.

With a career marked by dedication and leadership, David has been instrumental in driving the company’s strategic growth, fostering a culture of innovation and development, and has lent his expertise to regional efforts, including leading the Next Move NY committee of the North Country Regional Economic Development Council (NCREDC) which secured $10 million in state funding to create programming for soldiers transitioning to the workforce.

In addition to his professional achievements, David has volunteered on several local and regional boards. Earlier in his career, he served on the North Country Chamber of Commerce Board, the CVPH Corporate Board, the SUNY at Plattsburgh College Foundation, and co-chaired the Heart Association Fund Drive. More recently, he has been a member of the NCREDC, leading initiatives such as the Tradeable Sectors Committee, the Solutions Work Group, and the Next Move NY submission, and actively participated in key initiatives like the DRI (Downtown Revitalization Initiative) process. He has also been a committed member of the Clinton Community IAM Council and the CV-TEC Advisory Council.

TDC’s Board Chairman Jesse Ringer said: “TDC’s staff and Board of Directors would like to express their appreciation for David’s tenure of service, during which his extensive expertise significantly shaped our approach and drove our success. As David embarks on this new chapter, we invite everyone to join us in celebrating his numerous achievements and contributions to TDC.”

TDC’s Board of Directors has identified David’s replacement with an announcement to be made soon.

Additional Comments:

Mike Zurlo, Clinton County Administrator: “I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to David Champagne on his well-deserved retirement. Over the years, Dave has been more than just a partner—he’s been a trusted friend and a driving force behind so much of the positive change in our community. His leadership at TDC has helped make this region stronger and better for businesses and residents alike. Dave has always had the remarkable ability to see the forest through the trees, guiding us toward a brighter future with a clear vision and unwavering dedication. I am grateful for his contributions and wish him the very best in this next chapter."

Garry Douglas, North Country Chamber President & CEO: "Dave has been a valued colleague at TDC, keeping our area among the key bright spots in upstate New York for economic development and manufacturing. He's the consummate professional with a true commitment to teamwork, to collaboration and to addressing the future and not just the present. Already one of the strongest development corporations anywhere, he has made TDC even more pro-active, leaving a legacy he can be very proud of. Thank you, Dave, from all of your friends at the North Country Chamber and onward and upward!"

Michael Cashman, Town of Plattsburgh Supervisor: “David’s leadership and vision have been invaluable to the growth and success of our region. His dedication to fostering partnerships and driving progress has left an indelible mark. I have enjoyed our collaborative relationship forging new public private partnerships like work being done at the former country airport. It has been an honor to work alongside him on numerous initiatives, and I wish him all the best in this next chapter.”

About TDC: TDC is a private not-for-profit company committed to helping businesses grow. Governed by a Board of Directors composed of business and community leaders from throughout Clinton County, TDC develops industrial parks, markets the region for new business, and works to retain and expand the local industry. In addition to leasing and maintaining premier industrial properties in Plattsburgh, NY, they work to connect businesses with resources, suppliers, staff, and financial incentives.

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