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TDC: A Winning Team

With an in-office team of six and a Board of Directors behind us, TDC certainly has a wealth of knowledge and skill sets to draw from. The volunteer board, comprised of local business individuals from throughout the region, works in partnership with David F. Champagne and his team. “Their role is governance and my role is operation. We get along well doing that,” he says, “It’s a great board, they really support us.”

With everyone aligned with the TDC mission, a perfect mix of different worldviews guarantees a solid bedrock of new ideas and trusted experiences to support every operational move TDC makes.

“One of my favorite sayings is to check your ego at the door,” says Champagne. “I don’t believe in having strong egos working in a team; we’re one unit and we succeed together and fail together.”

Support is a word that means a great deal to TDC, whether it is working to support tenants, the region, or each other, every member of the TDC family understands the culture of what we are working hard to achieve in this region.

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